Friday, 25 March 2016

Bhramari pranayam - The humming Bee Breath

Bharamari pranayam is name from the black indian bee called bharamari.The exhalation in this pranayam resembles the typical humming sound of a bee,which explains why it is named so.most conspicuous effect is that it relax the brain.Bharamari pranayam is very effective in instantly calming your mind down.

It is one of the best breathing exercises to release the mind of agitation, frustration or anxiety and get rid of anger.Practicing Bhramari pranayama benefits in reducing high blood pressure, fatigue, and mental stress.

Bhramari pranayama is usually performed after completing Anulom vilom to obtain its full potential.Bhramari pranayama is usually performed after completing Anulom vilom to obtain its full potential.

In a Bharamari  Pranayam, the ear is closed by thumb, eye is blocked by fingers and forehead is pressed to vibrate with higher amplitude. So the resonance of the brain’s metaphysical thinking is arrested and the concentration of mind is enhanced.

When the natural frequency of vibration is equal to forced frequency then resonance will occur provided no external interference. The vibration of thinking of a human body can be controlled if it can be resonated.

Brahmari forms vibrations in the brain. By these vibrations the cerebral cortex sends impulses directly to the hypothalamus, which controls the ‘Pituitary’ gland, the master of all glands.
This is Excellent breathing exercise for meditation, the mind concentration enhances.

How to practice Bharamari pranayam (The humming bee breath)

Step by steps

1.Find a silent place.take a mat and spread on place for comfortable setting.Take easy siting position on mat.mostly crossed leg siting is best for any pranayam but always sit on comfortable posture and the back should be straight.your head straight and let your palms rest on your knees. Do not do this in a lying down position. 

2.Breathe normally and relax the whole body.Keep the mouth closed and the teeth apart.Close your eyes and breath deeply.

3.Raise your arms up with the elbows out and close your ear lids or flaps with our not apply any pressure.

4.Now place your index fingers above your eyebrows on your forehead.The two middle fingers should be placed over your closed eyes.The little fingers should be against the sides of your nostrils.applying very gentle pressure on side of your nose.

5.Now concentrate your mind on the area between your eyebrows.Inhale deeply and fill the lungs with full of air.keep your mouth close and a start creating The humming sound of "om" while you exhale.

6.You can also make a low-pitched sound but it is a good idea to make a high-pitched one for better results.However, do not strain yourself or force the breath at any point. Gradually build up your strength and take a break whenever needed.Breath in again and continue same practice 3-5 times in starting than you can  increase round as per your convenience.

Note :- 

1.Ensure that you are not putting your finger inside the ear but on the cartilage.

2.If you have an ear infection, avoid this breathing exercise until the infection disappears.

3.People with heart problems should not hold their breath when practicing this pranayam.

4.Do not eat a heavy meal before practicing the Bhramari pranayam and keep a gap of at least a few hours between the last meal and this exercise, as the breathing puts pressure on the lungs and diaphragm and can affect the digestive process.

5.Never force the breathing.

6.If you feel dizzy at any point, stop the exercise and continue with your normal breathing.

Benefits of Bhramari pranayam

Practicing Bhramari pranayama gives you instant way to relieve tension, anger and anxiety and let you to relax both physically and mentally.It is also effective as it improves concentration and memory and builds confidence.Moreover, the inhalation clears and vibrates the throat.

Other benefits of Bhramari include:

1.Invigorates the thyroid gland increasing metabolism.

2.Triggers serotonin release, resulting in balanced moods.

3.Cures the problems related to nervous system and  Effective against hypertension.

4.Helps balance blood sugar and oxidizes fats in the body.

5.Very good for Alzheimer's disease,Cures sinus problem and Balances hormonal secretion.

6.Practices like Bhramari pranayama act on the brain and produce quick and lasting relaxation.Regular practice of this pranayam can help improve concentration and alertness.

7.Bhramari pranayama is extremely beneficial to heart patients as it helps maintain overall working of the cardiovascular system.

8.It helps in releasing heat from the body through perspiration and helps you feel rejuvenated.

9.It is also very beneficial in regulating blood circulation within the body and lowering blood pressure.

10.Bhramari breathing exercises should be performed regularly for controlling respiratory disorders, asthma and thyroid problems. People suffering from heart disease and diabetes can also benefit greatly from bhramari pranayam.

11.Modern medical science has proved, if Bhramari practiced regularly during pregnancy it is believed to help regulate hormones and the Endocrine system regulated  to ensure a trouble-free labor and delivery.

12.The humming vibrations of the Bhramari pranayam activate the pituitary gland which is one of the major glands in the body.

13.This pranayam can help reduce migraines,treat paralysis and cure insomnia.

14.It enlivens the practitioners looks, improves the glamour of the face.

15.It has immediate positive effect on ears, nose, eyes and mouth.

If any inquiry please feel free to contact on

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